Is intended for compressed air purification in the pneumatic system of railway transport’s rolling-stock.
Note: is manufactured in accordance with TU 3020-076-05744521-2023
FP’s delivery capacity of the compressed air, m3/min | 5,0 |
terminal overpressure, MPa, no more than | 1,0 |
FP’s resistance by passing through it of the compressed air by discharge pressure (1,00-0,04) MPa before FP, MPa, no more than | 0,01 |
maximal size of solid particles on the output from FP (degree of filtration), mcm, no more than | 10 |
mass concentration of solid particles on the output from FP, , no more than | 2 |
overall dimensions, mm | 158 * 114 * 482 |
mass, kg, no more than | 8,0 |
Compressed air temperature on the input in FP should not exceed plus 80 ºC.
Value of the compressed air’s quality levels on input in FP should not exceed the normative values on the solid particles in point 1, on the dew point and mass oil concentration in checkpoint 2 according to GOST 32202-2013.