To V.A. Batenkov is appropriated the title of honour “Honorary mechanician” 

On 6 of September, 2023 was signed by the Tanaiste of RF Minister of Industry and trade D.V. Manturov the order N347П ”About the appropriating of titles of honour and the awarding of the industry factories’ workers”: “Mentioning the important contribution to industry development, the long-term conscientious work, to appropriate the title of honour “Honorary mechanician” to the director general of AO “Transpnevmatika” V.A. Batenkov”.

For 36 years of his activity of Vladimir Alexandrovitch Batenkov on the position of director general of AO “Transpnevmatika” one can be surprised at the development which the factory has received, becoming for that period the leader of the native machine-building. For that time were set in manufacturing thousands of new production’s items, developed new and innovative technologies, raised the rate of production, successfully passed the periods of declinations, of crises and of economic take-offs. The income that was made by Vladimir Alexandrovitch in the native machine-building is valuable. His merits before the country and before the branch were mentioned more than once at the widest government level.

The title “Honorary mechanician” is appropriated to the workers of the machine-building organizations, to the workers of lower organizations, as well to the persons those fulfill activity in the Ministry of industry and trade of Russian Federation, for the merits and for the important contribution to machine-building development, for the creation of competitive, advanced technology products and for the introduction of new technique and of newest technologies with using of the leading scientific developments in the branch of nanotechnologies, for successful and effective scientific, innovative and invention activity, for the developing and fulfillment of the actions those are directed on increasing of the effectiveness of factory management and of quality of the manufactured production, for the wide developing of progressive experience.

We are sure, that hereafter the industry of our country will rise on higher marks. And the important role in that will play the stock company AO “Transpnevmatika”, at the head of it is Vladimir Alexandrovitch Batenkov.


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